A Future for Theological and Missiological Education

More than an academic experience. This is a discipleship experience.

  • Equip

    Equipping for ministry at your own pace with respected experts in the fields of church planting, theology, and missiology.

  • Experience

    Experience learning that provides a foundation and flexibility for developing skills to church plant, lead discipleship groups, engage in cross-cultural missions, and communicate the gospel.

  • Explore

    Exploring the possibilities of a future in ministry while developing strategies for engaging cultural issues from a distinctly evangelical position.

Educational Innovation for Contemporary Missions

Self-paced learning experiences designed for pre-field and deployed missionaries. Four innovative learning experiences exemplifying theological education for contemporary missions. Enroll in free and discounted courses that are accessible from anywhere in the world.

  • Use coupon code 'emsprofs' for free access to Foundations for a Missiology of Movements

  • Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Dr. Steffen's Teaching in Oral Cultures

  • Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Dr. Cooper's Missiological Theology

  • Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Movemental Ecclesiology

Check out more Innovative Opportunities

from Ephesiology Master Classes and our Collaborative Partners

Essentials of the Faith

Our effort to support formal and informal theological education around the world for free!

Ephesiology's Essentials of the Faith invites you into a spiritual journey of discipleship and personal enrichment. This bundle of 13 free master classes will challenge and inspire you as you develop and mature in your walk with the Lord.


Forming Movement Leaders to Shift the Tracks of History

In partnership with Movement Leaders Collective, a new initiative to deliver just-in-time theological education focused on issues important to you, mxAcademy is designed as the theological and missiological foundation to unlock your potential as a movement leader and catalytic thinker. mxAcademy is a dynamic and innovative educational experience rooted in mDNA.


Shaping leaders to engage culture, multiply disciples, and reproduce churches in your community and beyond.

Partnering with you, Seminary@YourChurch’s unique certificates are cohort-based training offered in multiple delivery systems set in your church community. Participants enrolling in the program will benefit from our professors coming to the church, live web-streamed classes, and online asynchronous learning allowing them the advantage of completing a graduate certificate that can lead to a Seminary Degree.

Renewal School of Ministry

Learning experiences to transform and empower you to multiply disciples and plant holistically missional churches

An exciting learning initiative to equip movement leaders to multiply and mobilize churches in Africa.

Seminary for the Majority World

Serving Leaders through Theological Education

In partnership with Mission India Theological Seminary, especially selected courses for missionaries, church planters, and pastors in the majority world. Gain access to courses offered by some of the world's leading experts in ministry, missions, and church planting.

Earn degrees or credit from collaborating seminaries

We are a growing network of kingdom-minded academic institutions focused on God's movement in the world. We're committed to bringing world-class theological education to the church.

A few of the organizations collaborating in Kingdom work

Ephesiology Master Classes is a growing network of organizations focused on God's movement in the world