Innovating the Educational Space
Theological and missiological studies from accredited seminaries made accessible and affordable.
Self-paced learning experiences designed for pre-field and deployed missionaries. Four innovative learning experiences exemplifying theological education for contemporary missions. Enroll in free and discounted courses that are accessible from anywhere in the world.
Use coupon code 'emsprofs' for free access to Foundations for a Missiology of Movements
Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Dr. Steffen's Teaching in Oral Cultures
Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Dr. Cooper's Missiological Theology
Use coupon code 'seminaryforyou' for 50% off of Movemental Ecclesiology
If you think storytelling, or its elder brother orality, is just for tribal and peasant people, think again. “Nearly 80% of the world will not hear and understand our message when we communicate with literate ways and means.”
Missiological Theology introduces the student to pivotal Christian doctrines as a missiological framework within which to engage the working intellectual assumptions of contemporary culture. In addition to investigating several models for Christian
Movemental Ecclesiology focuses on the movemental nature of the church with attention to the importance of cultural exegesis and adaptive strategies for ecclesial structures and leadership.
from Ephesiology Master Classes and our Collaborative Partners
Our effort to support formal and informal theological education around the world for free!
Forming Movement Leaders to Shift the Tracks of History
Shaping leaders to engage culture, multiply disciples, and reproduce churches in your community and beyond.
Learning experiences to transform and empower you to multiply disciples and plant holistically missional churches
Serving Leaders through Theological Education
We are a growing network of kingdom-minded academic institutions focused on God's movement in the world. We're committed to bringing world-class theological education to the church.
Earn a fully accredited degree that is accessible and affordable
The Doctor of Ministry degree is designed to help you reflect critically about ministry and engage rigorously in theological and missiological dialogue in an advanced learning environment.
$300 / month
The Master of Arts is specifically designed for laypeople who desire to be better equipped to engage their peers in the workplace.
$300 / month
The Master of Divinity is a degree designed to equip those who sense God’s leading into the challenging ministry of starting new churches and revitalizing existing churches.
$300 / month
Ephesiology Master Classes is a growing network of organizations focused on God's movement in the world
The Movement Studies Certificate is designed especially for current and prospective missionaries working among church planting movements and disciple making movements.
$250 / month with 10 day free trial
The Leadership Certificate prepares you to lead others in their personal and spiritual development. The focus of the certificate is to lead from your identity as a follower of Christ so we place a high value on your personal maturity.
8 x $35
The Ministry Certificate prepare you with a holistic approach to engaging in the work of ministry. You'll focus on defending the Christian faith, engaging in issues of justice, and declaring the glory of God as three key areas.
10 x $35