What to expect:

If you think storytelling, or its bigger brother orality, is just for tribal and peasant people, think again. This course investigates and demonstrates the genius of the narrative/story genre for those, yes, who can’t read, but also for growing multitude who can read, but do very little of it. Class members will participate in storytelling, design a seminar on the missiological applications of narrative, and write a major paper or create a video/project or develop a series of culturally relevant lessons that emphasize the narrative medium in areas such as evangelism, business, ESL, church planting, apologetics, homiletics, community development, leadership and followership development, counseling, research. The grand tour question for this course is: Why is it important to know the role of story in Scripture and service?

By the complete of this learning experience, you will have increased skills to:

  • Articulate a personal philosophy of narrative.

  • Communicate the gospel through story.

  • Analyze stories for structure and values.

  • Analyze stories for cross-cultural effectiveness

Introducing Teaching in Oral Cultures

with Dr. Tom Steffen

What's inside the course:

    1. Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class

    2. How to use the course player

    3. Introduction to Teaching in Oral Cultures

    4. Course Objectives

    5. Before we begin...

    6. Check out our degree programs

    1. Instructions

    2. Student Assignments

    3. Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

    4. Writing Academic Book Reviews

    5. Rubric for Final Research Project

    6. Writing a Seminary Paper

    7. Required Textbooks and Articles

    8. Course Bibliography

    9. Resources for Academic Research

    10. Writing & Style Guides

    11. Extra Credit

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Class Benefits and Challenges

    3. Task 1 - Book Review

    4. Excursus: Why Words are Important

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Critiquing the Theologies and Narrative Theology

    3. Task 2

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Vic Anderson

    3. Bible as Literature

    4. Meet the Theoreticians

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Steak, Potatoes, Peas, and Chopsuey

    3. Distinguishing Factors of Orality

    4. Task 3

    5. Bible as Story

    6. Theme of the Bible - Assignment 1

    7. Assignment 1

    8. Theme of the Bible - Assignment 2

    9. Assignment 2

About this learning experience

  • $200.00
  • 63 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Worldview-based Storying

The Integration of Symbol, Story, and Ritual in the Orality Movement

This book is dedicated to the present global generation of Bible storytellers. It will challenge you to learn from the rich history of the Orality Movement, do your cultural homework related to the integration of symbol, story and ritual, and tell the greatest story ever told with cultural and pedagogical clarity so that individual, communal, and national transformation can result, creating generations of like-minded Bible storytellers.

Meet Dr. Tom Steffen

Author and Missiologist Tom Steffen

Dr. Steffen served 20 years with New Tribes Mission, 15 of those in the Philippines. He is Professor Emeritus of Intercultural Studies in the Cook School of Intercultural Studies at Biola University in La Mirada, California. He specializes in church multiplication, orality, honor and shame, and business as mission. Some of his books include: Reconnecting God’s Story to Ministry: Cross-Cultural Storytelling at Home and Abroad, Worldview-based Storying: The Integration of Symbol, Story, and Ritual in the Orality Movement, and The Return of Oral Hermeneutic: As Good Today as It Was for the Hebrew Bible and First Century Christianity.

Are you ready to change your world?

It's not simply about what you know in your head, but what you believe in heart and do with your hands so that you are motivated and equipped to lead movements.