Movemental Ecclesiology
Movemental Ecclesiology focuses on the movemental nature of the church with attention to the importance of cultural exegesis and adaptive strategies for ecclesial structures and leadership.
Movemental Ecclesiology focuses on the movemental nature of the church with attention to the importance of cultural exegesis and adaptive strategies for ecclesial structures and leadership. Special attention is given to the importance of missiology in catalyzing reproducing churches. You'll analyze and evaluate contemporary church planting models with a view toward a nascent articulation of a personal church planting philosophy developed in a community of learners. You will:
Consider the question of the biblical rationale for church planting.
Practice what it means to do theology in community in developing a definition of church.
Study the missional characteristics of New Testament church planting.
Examine important contextualization principles in developing culturally appropriate church structures.
Discuss and analyze contemporary church planting paradigms.
An introduction to the missional church planting principles of the New Testament and their applications in the 21st century.
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Welcome to Movemental Ecclesiology
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Church Planting the New Testament Way!
Before we begin...
Course Description and Objectives for Graduate Students
Academic Integrity
Writing & Style Guides
Learning Tasks for the Micro-Credential Program
Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation
Rubric for Book Review
Writing Academic Book Reviews
Required Textbooks and Articles
Course Bibliography
Resources for Research
What to expect in this session
Introducing Movemental Ecclesiology - with Alan Hirsch
Is Church Planting the Most Effective Evangelistic Method?
Beyond Sheep Shuffling
The Biblical Mandate for Church Planting
If Jesus Planted a Church ...
Would Jesus Plant a Church?
First Reflection Paper
Excursus - Lessons from Calvin: Is it Time for Another Reformation?
Characteristics of a Church Planter - Jeff Christopherson
What to expect in this session
New Testament Ecclesiology
Marks of the Church
Jesus' Marks for the Church
Excursus - Connecting Ekklesia with Collaboration
The Study of the Churches of Rome and Thessalonica
Forms of the Early Church
Second Reflection Paper
What to expect in this session
The Monkey and the Fish
Adaptive and Captive Ecclesiology
Cultural Influence on the Development of the Church
Five Characteristics of a Church Rooted in the Community
Church Indigeneity Matrix
What to expect in this session
A Missiologically Theocentric Church
A Chaordic Collaborative
Excursus - Relaunching Decentralized Churches
Essential Elements of Church Planting Movements - David Garrison
Free Book Download - Church Planting Movements
Missiology in Tension
The Church Planting Team - Todd Lafferty
Team Essential: APEST
APEST Personal Vocational Assessment
The Non-Hierarchical Leadership of the New Testament Church
The Dark-side of Hierarchical Leadership
The Use of ποιμην in Early Christian History
Movement Leadership: Embracing Chaord in the Missio Ecclesiae
Excursus - Mere Evangelism
Evangelism for the 21st Century with Randy Newman
Church Planting's Silver Bullet(s) - Donald Patrick Harris
A Free Course - Make Disciples
Make Disciples
Join Michael and a whole host of church planters like Alan Hirsch, Jeff Christopherson, David Garrison, Bob Engel, Sean Cronin, and many others as we are challenged to see a reformation in church planting.
The Church Planting Certificate focuses on providing church planters with a solid biblical and missiological foundation to the work of establishing healthy churches, mature disciples, and New Testament leaders.
$250 / month with 10 day free trial
In this course, you will construct an identity-based discipleship model to equip Christ-followers to join God as imitators focused on living out their identity as a royal priesthood.
Explore God’s DNA for the church leadership as revealed explicitly in Ephesians 4 and implicitly through scripture and embodied in Jesus.