Master of Divinity
The Master of Divinity is a degree designed to equip those who sense God’s leading into the challenging ministry of starting new churches and revitalizing existing churches.
Our Master of Divinity is a non-residential degree designed to equip those who sense God’s leading into the challenging ministry of starting and sustaining new churches as well as revitalizing existing churches. The degree also equips you for the exciting role as a leader among equals in an APEST framework. The 72-credit hour degree focuses on biblical, theological, and missiological proficiencies to effectively make disciples, equip New Testament leaders, and restore and multiple healthy churches.
The Master of Divinity will help you develop competencies to:
Strategically lead a team whose gifting complement each other.
Identify gaps in a church's mission to help restore their presence in the community.
Effectively exegete culture with a view to presenting a relevant gospel message.
Disciple new believers who will have the DNA to multiply more disciples.
Strategically identify how God is working in a community and design an indigenous gathering of new believers.
Reproduce mature Christ-followers, New Testament leaders, and healthy congregations of disciples.
This is your education and our focus is on you not simply as a student, but as a fellow learner on a journey to develop a proficiency in theological and missiological content, vocational skills that will lead to success, and character motivated by your identity in Christ.
✔️Deepen your faith as you follow Jesus.
✔️Participate in a journey of discipleship and formation that invites you to embody the way of Jesus as co-laborer on God’s mission.
✔️Learn to integrate your faith and your vocation so that what you do is shaped by who you are as a follower of Jesus.
✔️Develop skills across a wide array of disciplines (e.g. Bible, theology, missiology, leadership, spirituality, and more).
✔️Learn to communicate effectively in your culture and in the world around you.
✔️Be equipped for a life-time of service of church planting and training church planters.
✔️Develop patterns of thinking that reflect biblical, theological, historical, contextual, and vocational realities.
✔️Demonstrate your learning through a portfolio of learning that provides evidence of who you are, what you can do, and where you thrive.
✔️Learn in the context of real-life situations rather than fabricated classroom experiences.
Affordable. Accessible. Relevant. Faithful.
Develop competencies in Bible, theology, ministry practice, and the integration of faith and work. Through the program, you will develop your APEST gifting as well as integrated proficiency in the content, character, and craft required of spiritual leaders.
Welcome to the Master of Divinity
Master of Divinity Description and Objectives
FREE PREVIEWBefore we begin...
Apply for the MDiv
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this LMS player
Ephesio, Our AI Graduate Assistant
Master of Divinity Curriculum
Master of Divinity Degree Planning Worksheet
Instructions for the Application
FREE PREVIEWCompetency Defense Options
Writing Academic Book Reviews
Writing a Seminary Paper
Resources for Academic Research
Writing & Style Guides
Expected Learning Outcome
Determining Your Degree Pathway
Expected Learning Outcome
Competency Defense Paper
Master Assessment Review
Expected Learning Outcome
Competency Defense Paper
Master Assessment Review
Expected Learning Outcome
Competency Defense Paper
Master Assessment Review
Participants in the MDiv degree are not simply students enrolled in a self-paced course. They join a learning community of like-minded experts and other explorers. We would love to welcome you into a creative and innovative global community.
Our typical student is . . .
A church or lay leader desiring to fulfill their passion to start new churches
A prospective missionary preparing to go to the field
A deployed missionary looking to sharpen cross-cultural effectiveness to successfully plant indigenous churches
A co-vocational pastor focused on equipping others to multiplying disciples
A lead pastor preparing his church for reproducing healthy churches
Our unique subscription plan gives you financial options for your seminary education!
Our faculty bring decades of global church leadership to your learning experience.