About the Degree

Increasing numbers of lay people are considering or already involved in career paths that lead them into areas of intentional cultural engagement including public policy, education, journalism, sociology, law, business, urban ministries, church missions, and working with advocacy groups. The Master of Arts is a 48 credit hour program that provides the foundations and flexibility to meet these lay people’s needs. Nontraditional students are often seeking postgraduate training that will meet both specific credentialing needs and/or allow targeted areas for critical analysis. The degree equips students to trace the contours of contemporary culture, interpret its movements and messages, and engage its challenges from a biblically informed worldview.

The Master of Arts allows you to contextualize your learning experience:

  • Learn to defend the faith with an emphasis in Apologetics.

  • Address pressing cultural issues with an emphasis in Biblical Justice.

  • Engage your community with the gospel through Church Planting and Revitalization.

The Master of Arts is . . .

A transformational journey of discipleship focused on helping you develop vocational excellence in your current or desired context – all on your time and from wherever you are.

  • Affordable

    Only $300 per month.

  • Accessible

    From anywhere in the world.

  • Relevant

    Customized learning for your goals.

  • Faithful

    Rooted in Jesus Christ.

Our Educational Philosophy

This is your education and our focus is on you not simply as a student, but as a fellow learner on a journey to develop a proficiency in theological and missiological content, vocational skills that will lead to success, and character motivated by your identity in Christ.

  • Character Development

    ✔️Deepen your faith as you follow Jesus.

    ✔️Participate in a journey of discipleship and formation that invites you to embody the way of Jesus as co-laborer on God’s mission.

    ✔️Learn to integrate your faith and your vocation so that what you do is shaped by who you are as a follower of Jesus.

  • Vocational Excellence

    ✔️Develop skills across a wide array of disciplines (e.g. Bible, theology, missiology, leadership, spirituality, and more).

    ✔️Learn to communicate effectively in your culture and in the world around you.

    ✔️Be equipped for a life-time of service of church planting and training church planters.

  • Proficiency Learning

    ✔️Develop patterns of thinking that reflect biblical, theological, historical, contextual, and vocational realities.

    ✔️Demonstrate your learning through a portfolio of learning that provides evidence of who you are, what you can do, and where you thrive.

    ✔️Learn in the context of real-life situations rather than fabricated classroom experiences.

In partnership with Kairos University

Affordable. Accessible. Relevant. Faithful.

Kairos University is a global system of theological education that provides opportunities for students to build entirely customized educational journeys that are affordable, accessible, relevant, and faithful. The University has a campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with offices throughout the United States and Canada, partnerships with organizations around the world, and students from nearly every continent.

The university is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and The Higher Learning Commission. Learn more by clicking the button below.

Learning experiences focused on your passion

Develop competencies in Bible, theology, ministry practice, and the integration of faith and work.

    1. Welcome to the Master of Arts

    2. Master of Arts Description and Objectives

    3. Instructions for the Application

    4. Apply to the MA program

    5. How to use this LMS player

    6. Important Kairos University Documents

    7. Ephesio, Our AI Graduate Assistant

    8. Planning your MA program

    1. Kairos University Resources

    2. Additional Resources for Academic Research

    3. Academic Integrity

    4. Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

    5. Writing Academic Book Reviews

    6. Rubric for Book Review

    7. Writing a Seminary Paper

    8. Writing & Style Guides

    9. Competency Defense Options

    1. Expected Learning Outcome

    2. Begin Starting Well

    3. Determining Your Degree Pathway

    1. Expected Learning Outcome

    2. Christian Spirituality Development Path

    3. Movement Leadership

    4. Identity Based Discipleship

    5. Competency Defense Paper

    6. Master Assessment Review

    7. Self-Assessment

    1. Expected Learning Outcome

    2. Biblical Literacy Development Path

    3. The Study of the Church in Ephesus

    4. Doing Theology with Revelation

    5. Competency Defense Paper

    6. Master Assessment Review

    7. Self-Assessment

    1. Expected Learning Outcome

    2. Contextual Project Development Path

    3. Missiological Theology

    4. Foundations for a Missiology of Movements

    5. New Religious Movements

    6. Competency Defense Paper

    7. Master Assessment Review

    8. Self-Assessment

About this course

  • $300.00 / month
  • 75 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

A typical student

Participants in the MA degree are not simply students enrolled in a self-paced course. They join a learning community of like-minded experts and other explorers. We would love to welcome you into a creative and innovative global community.

Our typical student is . . .

  • A church or lay leader desiring to fulfill their passion to their community with the gospel.

  • A professional in the workplace looking for tools to engage their peers.

  • A life-long learner interested in deepening their biblical and theological knowledge base.

  • Community members who want to connect their neighbors with the story of Jesus.

  • An activist passionate about addressing human trafficking, poverty, or racial injustice.

Tuition and Fees

Our unique subscription plan gives you financial options for your seminary education!

$325 gets you started with the application fee and first month's tuition. Then, $300 per month keeps you enrolled in the degree.
The MA degree is a total of 48 credit hours and can be completed in as little as 24-30 months. The more diligently you progress through the program the less you pay in tuition. We do this to incentivize your hard work and help you steward the financial resources God has given you. If life gets in the way, simply cancel your subscription and re-subscribe when your calendar permits.

Degree Benefits

  • Affordable

    Get high quality, and academically rigorous seminary classes for a fraction of the cost.

  • Master of Arts

    Graduate in 24 months or less with a degree that positions you with the skills to effectively engage culture.

  • Dynamic

    Dynamic video lectures with practical demonstrations and supplemental resources.

  • Engaging

    Engaging interaction connected to a global network of learners doing theology and ministry collaboratively.

  • 24/7 Access

    All day and all night access from wherever in the world you are doing ministry. You do not have to move to a seminary campus.

  • Accredited

    Kairos University is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.

Get started now

We do not just simply fill your heads, but your hearts so that your hands are motivated and equipped to lead movements.

Our Master of Arts Faculty

Our faculty bring decades of cultural engagement to your learning experience.

She is Safe, Regional Director Kathryn Richards Bhatia

Kathryn Richards Bhatia, MDiv, BCC, has served since 2014 with She Is Safe, a non-profit ministry working with women and girls at extreme risk of abuse and slavery, particularly among war refugees and outcast people groups. A board-certified chaplain with a focus on trauma and resilience, she has developed a paradigm for healing called The Three Healing Friends: Laughter, Tears and Silence and recently co-edited Social Injustice, Volume 2: Evangelical Voices in Tumultuous Times. Born and raised in the Middle East, she’s a third-culture kid, a fourth-generation minister of the Gospel, and mother of five adult children. She is married to Dr. Amit Bhatia, with whom she shares a love of Indian food, international travel, and hiking in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

Professor of Missiological Theology Michael T. Cooper

Dr. Cooper earned a PhD in Intercultural Studies with a focus on religious movements and a minor in theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He currently serves as a missiologist for a missions agency where he focuses on missiological research and equipping missionaries for effective cultural engagement. He has thirty years of missions experience, including ten years as a pioneer church planter in Romania after the fall of communism and has equipped church planters and leaders in Africa, Europe, North America, South America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. He is a guest faculty at Torch Trinity Graduate University, adjunct faculty at Mission India Theological Seminary, Asia Graduate School of Theology Nepal, and Ebenezer Bible College in Katmandu, and affiliate faculty at Kairos University. He has written and contributed to more than 30 books and academic articles and has presented conference lectures at the London School of Economics, University of Bordeaux, Loyola University, Baylor University, and many others. His recent book, Ephesiology: A Study of the Ephesian Movement is a best seller at William Carey Publishing.

Senior Fellow, C.S. Lewis Institute Randy Newman

Dr. Newman is the Senior Fellow for Evangelism and Apologetics at The C. S. Lewis Institute in the Washington, DC area. He has also taught at numerous theological seminaries and colleges. After serving for over 30 years with Campus Crusade for Christ, he established Connection Points, a ministry to help Christians engage people’s hearts the way Jesus did. He has written a number of books and articles about evangelism and other ways our lives intertwine with God’s creation. He is also the host of Questions That Matter, a podcast of the C. S. Lewis Institute. He and his wife Pam live in Annandale, VA and are grateful for their children and a growing number of grandchildren.

Church Planting Coach Peyton Jones

Peyton Jones has been on the front lines of ministry for over ten years. In 1999, at the age of 25, he moved to Europe, and served as the evangelist at Lloyd-Jones’s legendary Sandfields church, Aberavon. An accidental church planter, Jones planted in a Starbucks before returning to America, and planting in inner city Long Beach. To reach those nobody is reaching, Jones has worked as a firefighter, factory worker, barista, and psychiatric nurse, bringing all these experiences to the table. Jones received his MA Theology: Pastoral Studies from Wales Evangelical School of Theology, and is the Regional Catalyst for NAMB. He is also the host of the Jump School Core Team Training Series, Managing Editor of Church Planter Magazine and the co-host of the weekly Church Planter Podcast.

President and CEO, To Every Tribe Stephen Leston

Dr. Stephen Leston is the President of To Every Tribe, a mission training and sending agency. Prior to this role, Stephen served as the pastor of Kishwaukee Bible Church in DeKalb Illinois. He has been involved in ministry for over 20 years. He loves preaching, teaching, and equipping the next generation of leaders how to do the same. In addition to being the Author of The Bible in World History, He is also the author of The Illustrated Guide to Bible Battles and has contributed to several volumes of the Layman's Commentary Series. Steve's heart is to see people understand how to read, understand and apply the Christian Bible to their lives.

Senior Pastor, Round Hill EPC David D. Feiser

A graduate of Penn State, Pastor Dave earned a Master of Theological Studies at Palmer Theological Seminary outside of Philadelphia, and then to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL, where he received a Ph.D. in Theological Studies with a concentration in Systematic Theology. His dissertation was a theology of proclamation, aiming to help the local church use not only preaching, but the sacraments and living out one's faith in the world as means of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Professor of New Testament Sylvie Raquel

Dr. Raquel has twenty-five years of academic experience in teaching biblical studies. She is committed to using her knowledge for building the Kingdom of God. Her heart is for missions. She is fluent in three spoken languages (English, French, and Spanish) besides the biblical languages (Koine Greek, Hebrew) and has a working knowledge of German and Latin. She also has ministerial experience. She worked in three different international churches in the area of youth ministry, discipleship ministry, prison ministry, and ESL ministry. She participated to or led missions’ trips to Kazakhstan, France, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Zambia, and India, as well as within the U.S.A. She is now looking into teaching online English, Spanish, and French theological studies.

Assistant Professor of Missiology Warrick Farah

Dr. Farah earned a DMiss from Fuller and is currently working towards a PhD from the Oxford Center of Mission Studies. He is co-editor of Margins of Islam: Ministry in Diverse Muslim Contexts (2018) and editor of Motus Dei: The Movement of God and the Discipleship of Nations (forthcoming in 2021). As a missiologist with One Collective, he currently serves in theological education in the Middle East, training Arab world leaders for ministry in the region. His research topics include Muslim Studies, Frontier Missiology, Theology of Mission, and Movements. Warrick has published in journals such as Evangelical Missions Quarterly, International Journal of Frontier Missiology, and Global Missiology.

Author and Missiologist Tom Steffen

Dr. Steffen served 20 years with New Tribes Mission, 15 of those in the Philippines. He is Professor Emeritus of Intercultural Studies in the Cook School of Intercultural Studies at Biola University in La Mirada, California. He specializes in church multiplication, orality, honor and shame, and business as mission. Some of his books include: Reconnecting God’s Story to Ministry: Cross-Cultural Storytelling at Home and Abroad, Worldview-based Storying: The Integration of Symbol, Story, and Ritual in the Orality Movement, and The Return of Oral Hermeneutic: As Good Today as It Was for the Hebrew Bible and First Century Christianity.