Equip | Empower | Engage

To shift the tracks of history requires leaders who are equipped to critically assess and engage the contours of contemporary culture. As a new initiative to deliver just-in-time theological education focused on issues important to you, mxAcademy is designed as the theological and missiological foundation to unlock your potential as a movement leader and catalytic thinker. mxAcademy is a dynamic and innovative educational experience rooted in mDNA.

We dream of a church fully equipped, fully mature, fully mobilized, and fully alive. A church that lives and breathes the Good News of Jesus!

  • We believe the body of Christ was designed for world transformation and is the hope of the world.

  • We believe as followers of Christ, we are called to be dynamic, disruptive, innovative, and creative.

  • We believe every disciple has a part to play. We believe in you, and want to help you play your part.

A Collaborative Educational Initiative

Ephesiology | Kairos University | Movement Leaders Collective

  • Character Development

    ✔️Deepen your faith as you follow Jesus.

    ✔️Participate in a journey of discipleship and formation that invites you to embody the way of Jesus as co-laborer on God’s mission.

    ✔️Learn to integrate your faith and your vocation so that what you do is shaped by who you are as a follower of Jesus.

  • Vocational Excellence

    ✔️Develop skills across a wide array of disciplines (e.g. Bible, theology, missiology, leadership, spirituality, and more).

    ✔️Learn to communicate effectively in your culture and in the world around you.

    ✔️Be equipped for a life-time of service of church planting and training church planters.

  • Proficiency Learning

    ✔️Develop patterns of thinking that reflect biblical, theological, historical, contextual, and vocational realities.

    ✔️Demonstrate your learning through a portfolio of learning that provides evidence of who you are, what you can do, and where you thrive.

    ✔️Learn in the context of real-life situations rather than fabricated classroom experiences.

Empowering and Equipping Followers of Jesus

Catalyzing Jesus Movements to Shift the Tracks of History

The Movement Leaders Collective provides a catalyst for movement leadership and a community for movement leaders across gender, geography, race, and ethnicity. The mission of MLC is to identify, train, and empower 100 Jesus-movements and 1,000 Christlike leaders using the mDNA framework to become dynamic, innovative, and generative movements able to shift the tracks of history.