Meet our International Team of Experts
Our international team of experts are engaged in missions, church planting, pastoral ministry, catalyzing movements, apologetics, and social justice.
Our international team of experts are engaged in church planting, evangelism, and discipleship around the world. They address social justice issues and catalyze movements. They know ministry because they are not just academics; they are practitioners. This is the ultimate intersection of the academy and the field where we bring current and relevant research and make it applicable so that you are the most effective you can be.
We have more than 300 years of collective cultural engagement in the Post-Christian West, the Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, and Jewish worlds, as well as in former and current communist worlds.
We've equipped and trained Christian leaders on six continents and speak Arabic, Czech, English, Hebrew, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, and Spanish. Plus, we read the biblical manuscripts in their original languages.
We have seven PhDs, two professional doctorates, and six masters degree instructors from prestigious evangelical seminaries.
What some of our expert faculty are saying
Ephesiology Master Classes is full of cutting-edge resources to meet the training needs of today’s missional worker. Combining academic rigor with practical insights and real time application, the Master Classes uses online technology in the virtual classroom to give relevant, biblical content for the missiological challenges of our ever changing, ever needy world.
Gary Fujino, Professor of Diaspora, Missional University
The idea of having a fully accredited online degree focusing on movements and movement dynamics has been a long-term dream. Here is one that is led by very thoughtful practitioners in missional ecclesiology. What’s not to like?
Alan Hirsch, Author and Founder of Movement Leaders Collective and Forge Missional Training Network
Ephesiology could prove to be a trendsetter which fills an important gap for many organizations as the future of missiological education may likely involve the development and curation of online resources and courses. I commend you for your vision and creativity.
Warrick Farah, Missiologist, One Collective
Ephesiology Master Classes give you the access to high level input from experts in their field. It is presented in an accessible format and an engaging style, equipping everyday leaders and every leader to be able to grow in particular areas, as well as generally in the character and competency of leadership and to become more Christ-like.
Rich Robinson, Director of CREO Ventures
Ephesiology Master Classes fills a gap that no group or no idea is filling. I love the idea of an academically rigorous and immensely practical digital equipping of leaders toward kingdom ministry. That’s a powerful combination.
Jeff Christopherson, Author, Co-Founder, and Missiologist, Send Institute
Ephesiology Master Classes is valuable because it allows the student to connect with a wide array of theologians who are also practitioners. Learning from those who are also doing allows the student to not only understand the facts of missiology, but also gain the insight that comes from wisdom of the instructors who are applying what they know to the mission. Truth, saturated in practice that yields wisdom is the best well to drink from when training for ministry.
Steve Leston, President and CEO, To Every Tribe
so we focus on content that we know will help you succeed in multiplying disciples, planting churches, crossing cultures, and addressing social justice issues
At the heart of Ephesiology Master Classes, you will find a dedicated and accomplished team of faculty mentors. They possess a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you succeed in your educational journey. Our faculty mentors play a vital role in helping you design an effective degree pathway that will meet your academic, vocational, and personal goals.
Our team of subject matter experts are hard at work designing more classes to ensure you have the most relevant training available.