What to expect

The goal of the Four-Fields Training (4FT) strategy is to serve local believers and church leaders by providing training in evangelism, short-term discipleship, and church formation following the Four Fields method for multiplying a church planting movement. The 4FT strategy is characterized by being biblical, simple, and reproducible. These are not definitive lessons on the Christian life, but easily communicated methods focused on how to grow from a small group of believers to a movement that spread throughout your region.

  • By the completion of the training, you will:

  • Create vision for following God’s heart to reach the lost.

  • Develop entry strategies for new target areas.

  • Engage in effective evangelism among people in target areas

  • Teach new believers basic lessons on the Christian life

  • Start new, healthy, indigenous Christian communities

  • Develop leaders who are passionate about sharing their faith and discipling new believers.

On Demand Training

Access the four-field training from anywhere in the world and use it as a tool to help train more church planters

    1. Description

    2. Program of Training

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Learn more about our degree programs

    1. Four Fields Strategy - Overview

    2. Movement Action Plan

    3. Free Resources to Download

    4. The Journey Ahead

    1. Oikos Mapping

    2. House of Peace

    3. Not On Our Watch

    4. The Good News of a Movement

    1. Three Circles

    2. Two Kingdoms

    3. The Prophet's Story

    4. Potential Risk of Syncretism in CPM

    5. An Example of a Gospel Presentation

    6. A Holiday Evangelistic Tool

    1. Free Discipleship Downloads

    2. Sword Bible Study Method

    3. Modelling 411

    4. Three Thirds Pattern of Discipleship

    5. Seven Commands of Christ

    6. God's Mission in the World

    1. Church Circle

    2. The Church in Ephesus

About this course

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

This course includes:

  • Hours of on-demand video and helpful resources

  • Articles and blogs written by church planters

  • Accessible 24/7 from your phone, tablet, or computer

  • A roadmap to help you develop an action plan

  • Personal reflection questions to help you digest and apply the content

  • Discussion forums to do theology in a community with others taking the class

  • Free books and other downloadable Bible studies

What are you waiting for?

We do not just simply fill your heads, but your hearts so that your hands are motivated and equipped to lead movements.