Will you help us make a difference?

Joining our learning collaborative allows you free access to Ephesiology Master Class Select taught by leading subject matter experts, and more! Our videos, books, and resources are especially designed for an on-demand and engaging experience that is focused on your personal development and learning goals. Plus, your monthly membership goes directly to helping us train and equip pastors and church leaders around the world.

  • Be inspired by personally collaborating with thought leaders and others who share your passion.

  • Be equipped with skills for a lifetime of effective cultural engagement.

  • Exclusive discounts and a great value for your personal encouragement and learning.

  • Four options giving you different levels of access to top shelf Bible, theology, missions, and church history resources.

  • Certificates of course completions that could help meet requirements for ordination, or employment with missions organizations, and churches.

  • PLUS! You are helping us meet our goal to train 1,000 pastors around the world!

Will you join us to help end the theological famine?

Our goal is to equip 1,000 pastors in the spiritually darkest places of the world. To meet this goal, we think we have a win-win-win formula.

  • Pastors Win

    We are working with very large networks of house churches in South Asia where pastors have few opportunities for seminary level education. Through our Pastoral Studies Certificate, we are able to train key leaders with biblically and missiologically grounded theological education.

  • You Win

    Whether it’s to increase your knowledge of the Bible, theology, church history, or missions, we know that you will personally benefit from our collection of resources geared to helping you at your church or in your ministry. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you are directly impacting sound doctrine in thousands of churches.

  • We Win

    When you join with us, you are making it possible for us to develop resources and conduct trainings seminars with leaders who will train others. Sometimes that training requires us to go to South Asia. Most of the time, the training can be conducted on Zoom. When you join with us, you make this possible.

It's not simply about what you know in your head,

but what you believe in your heart and do with your hands.

Choose the Explorer, Trekker, Climber, or the Navigator collaborative that will motivate and equip you for your journey to lead your community, church, or ministry.

Plus, enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are helping a pastor help his church stay faithful to the historic Christian doctrine.

Choose one of the following collaboratives.