What to expect

This in-depth study will equip you with the tools to understanding the people you are engaging and join with God in His work of uniting all things in Christ. You will explore God’s DNA for the church as specified in Ephesians 4. Beginning with an overview to get a grounding in key terms, you will then consider the implications of APEST for individuals, the Church, and society. You will take away the following strategic applications:

  • Learning objectives for the whole module and as well as learning objectives specific to each of the four sessions

  • An overview, objectives, key content to engage with, discussion questions and topics, reflection and action

  • Become the type of leader that empowers, inspires, entrusts, and reminds others to stay on mission

  • Each module can be undertaken as an individual or studied together as part of a group but, if you are engaging as an individual we would encourage you to find a context to process and discuss with others.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before you begin...

    1. Instructions

    2. Learning Tasks

    3. Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

    4. Rubric for Final Research Project

    5. Resources for Academic Research

    6. Course Bibliography

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Missiological Hermeneutics

    3. Missiological Hermeneutics and Bible Interpretation

    4. Missiological Exegesis

    5. Missiological Exegesis and Reflection

    6. Discussion

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Understanding Theocentricism

    3. God's Missionary Activity

    4. Determining Orthodoxy

    5. Missiology Theology and the Gospel

    6. The Dangers of Syncretism

    7. Reflection

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Live Discussion: From Missiological Theology to APEST Leaders

    3. The Work We do to Make APEST Work

    4. mDNA Assessment

    5. Reflection

    1. Where to Start and Posture

    2. APEST Module Description

    3. Section Overview

    4. APEST Overview

    5. Apostolic Environments

    6. Reflection

    7. Action

    8. Treasures

About this course

  • Free
  • 71 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

This course includes:

  • More than 10 hours of on-demand video

  • Accessibility 24/7 from your phone, tablet, or computer

  • Personal reflection questions to help you digest and apply the content

  • Discussion forums to do theology in a community with others taking the class

  • Monthly live Zoom discussions with your instructors

  • Certificate of completion

Meet Alan and Rich

There is no one better to teach about the catalytic nature of Ephesians 4 than Alan Hirsch and Rich Robinson.

Founder, Movement Leaders Collective Alan Hirsch

Alan Hirsch is the founding director of Forge Mission Training Network, 100Movements, The 5Q Collective, and Future Travelers. All these are focussed on developing missional leadership and movemental organization. Known for his innovative approach to mission, Alan is considered to be a thought-leader and key mission strategist for churches across the Western world. Hirsch is the author of The Forgotten Ways; 5Q; The Shaping of Things to Come, ReJesus, and The Faith of Leap (with Michael Frost); Untamed (with Debra Hirsch); Right Here, Right Now (with Lance Ford), and On the Verge (with Dave Ferguson).

Director, CREO Ventures Rich Robinson

Rich Robinson pioneered training work with multiple churches, charities, denominations and organizations across Europe, America, Australasia, Africa and Asia. Focused on disciple-making, leadership development, strategic and cultural change and scalable multiplication.