What to Expect
Here's a learning opportunity you will certainly enjoy. Filled with interviews with religious practitioners, you will learn directly from those who are on the inside of each of the new religions we study. This learning experience is designed for those who are interested in the religions in their neighborhoods.
You will hear from Satanists, Pagans, Witches and many others about why they believe as they do.
You will explore the major world religions which have come to America.
You will be intrigued by the reason why people chose to worship and/or practice in different ways.
You will be prepared to have meaningful conversations from a position of mutual respect.
You will learn ways in which you can introduce the story of your faith in a non-threatening manner.
In Partnership with Multifaith Matters

What's inside the course:
Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class
How to use this course
Description and Objectives
Get Your Copy of the Books
Be Sure to Subscribe to Sacred Tribes Journal - It's Free!!
Before we begin...
Learning Tasks and Syllabus
Reading, Participation, and Class Lessons
Writing Academic Book Reviews
Rubric for Book Review
Writing a Seminary Paper
Rubric for Final Research Project
Course Bibliography
Resources for Academic Research
Writing & Style Guides
Emergence of NRMs
Apologetics, Mission & New Religious Movements: A Holistic Approach
Religious Identity
Center for the Studies on New Religions
Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights
Notes Submission
Annotated Bibliography
Defining NRMs
Charismatic Leaders in New Religions
Violence in NRMs
"Cults" and Euro-American Nativist Millennial Movements
Notes Submission
Annotated Bibliography
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a Lived Religion
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What Mormons Believe about God
Latter-day Saints, Rituals, Pilgrimage and Cultural Symbolics
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Family International: A Brief Historical and Theological Overview
The Church of Almighty God
The Last Reformation
Notes Submission
Annotated Bibliography
Church of Scientology
Western Esotericism
From the Occult to Western Esotericism
Dark Green Religion
Christian and Pagan Conversations
Stonehenge, Druids, and King Arthur
Defining Paganism
Contributing Factors in the Resurgence of Paganism in Western Society
The Wheel of the Year
Christian Responses to Halloween
Notes Submission
Annotated Bibliography

About this course
- $50.00
- 100 lessons
- Many hours of videos and interviews
Perspectives on Post-Christendom Spiritualities
Don't forget to pick up your copy of the book
- Harold A. Netland, professor of philosophy of religion and intercultural studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Meet your course facilitators
John and Michael bring years of practical experience in researching other religions and constructively dialoguing with those who believe very differently than they do.

Director of Multifaith Matters John W. Morehead

Professor of Missiological Theology Michael T. Cooper
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