What to expect:

A survey of the religions of the world, including the major world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. The student will be involved in directed research of the religions in selected areas of the world, with a particular focus on the cultural and social inter-relationships reflecting a people’s worldview. Methods of a missionary encounter with these religions will be presented to equip the student for evangelism that is more effective.

  • Gain a foundational knowledge of the history, texts, beliefs, and practices of the major world religions.

  • Articulate the meaning of religion and its central role in the lives of human beings across the globe and in diverse cultures.

  • Articulate the connection between religions, worldviews, and social patterns in given societies, including contemporary political and cultural viewpoints.

  • Assess the value of major world religions for their adherents, observing beneficial aspects of each religion and evaluating them in light of the Bible.

  • Compare the various Christian approaches and responses to the existence and claims of non-Christian religions.

What's inside the course:

    1. Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class

    2. How to use the course player

    3. Introduction to Religions of the World

    4. Course Description and Objectives

    5. Before we begin...

    1. Instructions

    2. Required Textbooks and Articles

    3. Syllabus and Student Assignments

    4. Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

    5. Writing a Seminary Paper

    6. Resources for Academic Research

    7. Writing & Style Guides

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Course Introduction

    3. Religion Worksheet

    4. Discussion

    5. Excursus: Christianity and Religious Pluralism

    6. Excursus: Views of Five World Religions

    7. Interfaith Dialogue

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Islam Foundation

    3. A Muslim Couple Reflects on the Hajj

    4. Ramadan in Istanbul, Turkey

    5. Buddhism Foundation

    6. The Dalai Lama on Tibet and China

    7. Saisho Homa – A Buddhist Prayer Ritual

    8. Islam and Buddhism

    9. Discussion

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Judaism Foundation

    3. The Jewish Passover Seder

    4. Worksheet: Judaism and Zoroastrianism

    5. Discussion

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Hinduism Foundation

    3. The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival

    4. A visit to a Hindu Temple

    5. Discussion

    6. Worksheet: Hinduism and African Traditional Religions

    7. Discussion

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Meet Dr. Amit Bhatia

Associate Professor of World Religions Amit Bhatia

Dr. Amit Bhatia (PhD, Intercultural Studies), serves as the director of Corban University’s Bachelor of Science program for Adults In Custody through the Oregon state prison system. He is the author of Engaging Muslims & Islam: Lessons for 21st-Century American Evangelicals (2017). Amit has spent more than 20 years bridging the gap between academia and the church, serving as a pastor in several different multi-ethnic congregations during his years in seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Fully committed to training Christians for ministry and to engaging people from other faiths with the gospel of Jesus Christ, he specializes in courses on missions, world religions, and culture. He is married to Kathryn Richards Bhatia, MDiv, BCC, with whom he shares a love for Indian food, international travel and hiking in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

Are you ready to change your world?

It's not simply about what you know in your head, but what you believe in heart and do with your hands so that you are motivated and equipped to lead movements.