Here's what to expect!

Jump School is the only stand alone church planting core team training. It’s also the only planter training that utilizes the APEST model of leadership and incorporates field training to mobilize your team. It’s how I train my core teams, and I’m sharing it with you.

  • 7 modules

  • 24 Weekly Curriculum Guides

  • Study Guides

  • Leader Training Videos

An Internship Experience in Partnership with New Breed Training

We are a collective. A brotherhood. A sisterhood.

We are a gathering of church planters heeding the call to plant churches in broken places. In 2008 Newbreed was formally launched in the UK as an idea. What would happen if planters banded together into a collective to share, train, and learn from one another? Peyton Jones (Author: Reaching The Unreached, Church Zero, and Church Plantology) and Andrea Jones formed Newbreed to catalyze church planters through assessment, training, and coaching. Out of that mission, Jump School and other training was born. Returning home to America, Peyton and Andrea Jones harnessed the principles gleaned from the mission frontiers of post-christian Europe to reach the unreached in the United States and around the world.

This internship journey is for church planting leaders

MA Church Planting students receive 6 credit hours applied to their degree program. Jump School is also available for Church Planting Certificate students.

    1. Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class

    2. Introducing Jump School

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Instructions

    2. Learning Tasks

    3. Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

    4. Rubric for Book Review

    5. Writing Academic Book Reviews

    6. Rubric for Final Research Project

    7. Writing a Seminary Paper

    8. Required Textbooks

    9. Course Bibliography

    10. Resources for Academic Research

    11. Writing & Style Guides

    12. Writing an Exegetical Paper

    1. Reading and Class Lessons

    2. Participation

    3. Book Review

    4. Reflection Project

    1. Reading and Class Lessons

    2. Participation

    3. Book Review

    4. Reflection Project

    1. Before you go...

About this course

  • $500.00 / month
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Church Plantology

The Art and Science of Planting Churches

The Apostle Paul was a veteran church planter who "laid a foundation like a wise and master builder" and there is much we can learn from his example. Paul indicated that there were basic skills and experiences required to successfully plant a church. Church Plantology examines the wide variety of church planting methods and ideologies in contemporary pastoral practice and outlines a biblical model based on the New Testament.

Meet your Jump School Facilitator

Church Planting Coach Peyton Jones

Peyton Jones has been on the front lines of ministry for over ten years. In 1999, at the age of 25, he moved to Europe, and served as the evangelist at Lloyd-Jones’s legendary Sandfields church, Aberavon. An accidental church planter, Jones planted in a Starbucks before returning to America, and planting in inner city Long Beach. To reach those nobody is reaching, Jones has worked as a firefighter, factory worker, barista, and psychiatric nurse, bringing all these experiences to the table. Jones received his MA Theology: Pastoral Studies from Wales Evangelical School of Theology, and is the Regional Catalyst for NAMB. He is also the host of the Jump School Core Team Training Series, Managing Editor of Church Planter Magazine and the co-host of the weekly Church Planter Podcast.

Not a student?

We do not just simply fill your heads, but your hearts so that your hands are motivated and equipped to lead movements.