Here's what to expect!

In this personal enrichment course, you'll learn about critical social theories and the various ways in which Christians have understood them. We focus special attention on critical race theory and how its application as a tool has produced both positive and negative effects on Christian engagement with culture.

  • Identify areas where critical social theories distract from Christian engagement with culture.

  • Consider the value of cultural critique that leads to genuine social transformation.

  • Hear opinions about critical race theory from multiple sources including pastors and professors.

  • Form your own ideas about how Christians might effectively engage culture.

What's inside the course

    1. Welcome to this Ephesiology Master Class

    2. How to use this course

    3. How to become conversant with critical social theories

    4. Get your free copy of the book

    5. Ephesiology Resources on Social Justice

    6. Culture and Theology

    7. Before we begin...

    1. Social Scientific Research Methods

    2. Critical Theory & Critical Legal Studies

    3. Critical Theory - Discussion

    4. Critical Race Theory

    5. Critical Race Theory - Discussion

    6. Ephesiology Podcast Interview with Josh McDowell

    7. Diversity and Equity Glossary of Terms

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Pastor John MacArthur on Critical Race Theory and Social Justice

    3. Allie Beth Stuckley and Dr. Neil Shenvi

    4. Prof. Sean McDowell and Pastor Voddie Baucham

    5. Skye Jethani with Prof. David Fitch

    6. Prof. Nathan Luis Cartagena with Nicola A. Menzie

    7. Discussion

    1. What to expect in this session

    2. Prof. Thomas Sowell

    3. Prof. Derrick Bell

    4. Prof. Imani Perry

    5. Discussion

    1. Issues with Critical Social Theories

    2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Social Justice

    3. Discussion - Race Norming

    4. Discussion - Education

    5. Relational Ethic & Christian Engagement of Culture

    6. Discussion - Reparation

    7. Discussion - Relational Ethic

    1. Want to go further? Here's what's next.

    2. Invite us to speak

    3. Go deeper in your study

    4. Go really deep in your study

    5. And . . . another book!

    6. Before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 39 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

The personal enrichment class includes the following benefits:

  • On-demand video

  • Accessibility 24/7 from your phone, tablet, or computer

  • Discussion forums to do theology in a community with others in your cohort and around the world

  • Earn a certificate of completion for continuing education credit

  • Proceeds help train Christian leaders around the world

  • Free e-book offer for your computer or e-reader device

Meet Dr. Michael T. Cooper

Dr. Cooper has helped pastors, teachers, parents, as well as bio-ethicists, medical doctors, nurses and business people wrestle through Christian engagement of significant cultural issues in medicine, education, business, and society.

Professor of Missiological Theology Michael T. Cooper

Dr. Cooper earned a PhD in Intercultural Studies with a focus on religious movements and a minor in theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He currently serves as a missiologist for a missions agency where he focuses on missiological research and equipping missionaries for effective cultural engagement. He has thirty years of missions experience, including ten years as a pioneer church planter in Romania after the fall of communism and has equipped church planters and leaders in Africa, Europe, North America, South America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. He is a guest faculty at Torch Trinity Graduate University, adjunct faculty at Mission India Theological Seminary, Asia Graduate School of Theology Nepal, and Ebenezer Bible College in Katmandu, and affiliate faculty at Kairos University. He has written and contributed to more than 30 books and academic articles and has presented conference lectures at the London School of Economics, University of Bordeaux, Loyola University, Baylor University, and many others. His recent book, Ephesiology: A Study of the Ephesian Movement is a best seller at William Carey Publishing.
Watch Intro Video

Social Injustice, Volume 1: What Evangelicals Need to Know About the World

The e-book is free when you sign up for the course. Or you can click the buy now button to order the paperback.

Written by leading evangelical scholars, Social Injustice: What Evangelicals Need to Know about the World explores the Christian heritage of social justice from biblical, historical, and missiological perspectives. The ten chapters will challenge Christians to consider their role in stepping into social justice issues from a distinctly evangelical position. The topic is of considerable importance to the ongoing mission of God in the world. With increasing numbers of millennials and Gen Zs focused on their contribution to global change, Social Injustice provides a solid theological foundation for engaging some of the most important social issues of our day.

Are you ready to change your world?

It's not simply about what you know in your head, but what you believe in heart and do with your hands so that you are motivated and equipped to lead movements.